Friday, November 30, 2012


There was a story in the local weekly up in northeastern Pa. that tells of a guy trying to haul a 600-pound dead bear out of the woods, by himself. Worried that he didn't show up at home at a normal time they sent some searchers and found him, and his recently dispatched bruin.
A little investigating found the reason he wanted to go solo...his hunting site was baited with old pastries discarded by a local store. That's agin' the law in those parts so he was busted.


Some sports hunting in Pennsylvania this season are required to take their tagged whitetail to a check station...sounds like the New Jersey system up to last year.
But it's not for recording numbers or deer age, but the incidious chronic wasting disease and the area is a 600-square-mile disease management area surrounding a farm that raised two infected animals.
"We're thrilled by the level of compliance from our hunters, they've been very friendly and cooperative," said an officer of the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Medhaden is a group dedicated to limiting commercial harvesting of the popular baitfish, aka bunker.
The organization says "...the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has never implemented regulations to protect spawning medhaden from the industrial Chesapeake Bay-based company known as Omega Protein, which turns the fish into meal and oil, shipping most of it overseas.
"The medhaden population is in trouble," says the group.
For information check out or call Capt. Paul Eidman at (732) 614-3373 or go to

Sunday, November 11, 2012


A friend e-mailed to say he had his boat, docked in Sea Bright, out of the water and up on blocks before the went missing anyhow and was later found by the Coast Guard, washed ashore some distance away on the Navesink River.
There's a survey you can fill out if you had boat, recreational or commercial, or marina, etc. damaged by Sandy. Go to the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance website for information.


Just when I thought things were all hunky dory as the power finally came back on at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, 13 days after Sandy hit, the main computer crashed and I got that dreaded blue screen....thus back to setting up the downstairs laptop and having a hell of a time trying to get into this blog....what next, a swarm of locusts?
Anyway, will try to get a few items on here this morning.
hope all have power back or asap.